21 June, 2008

Amazing and breathtaking aviation pictures

For those of you who don't know airliners.net, it is a site containing user submitted aviation related photos. There are all sorts of (good and bad) aviation photo's on the site and I recommend a look around if this is what you're into.

The alternative is to visit this site that has collected a group of the most amazing pictures from airliners.net and published them in one place.

A lot of these are amazing because of what they represent (The threshold at Julianna Airport in the French Antilles, for example which has a beach where visitors vie to get as close as they can to the landing aircraft). But others are amazing because of what they show: A fleet of (now scrapped) Air France Concordes, or an American jet fighter at zero altitude with wheels up.

I would be interested to know your favourites.

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